"Love of Nirvana" is adapted from the novel of the same name, directed by Zhou Jingtao ("A Journey To Love"), and stars Ren Jialun ("One and Only", "Forever and Ever", "Burning Flames"), Li Landi ( "My Huckleberry Friends"), Xu Zhengxi ("Be my princess") in the leading roles. This wuxia costume romance drama tells a legendary tale of love and loyalty.
Xiao Wuxia (played by Ren Jialun), the son of the Lord of Yueluo City, endures years of hardship and humiliation while undercover in the Liang Kingdom, under the alias Wei Zhao, bearing the reputation of a traitor. In his quest to uncover the truth behind his family’s past, Wei Zhao attempts to abduct the only survivor of the Qi King's case, but his carefully laid plans are disrupted by a young girl, Jiang Ci (played by Li Landi). Taking advantage of the situation, Pei Yan (played by Xu Zhengxi) takes the severely injured Jiang Ci into his residence, hoping to find the mastermind behind the plot.
As Wei Zhao’s tragic background and sense of national duty touch the innocent and lively Jiang Ci, the two gradually see each other’s strengths and develop feelings for one another. In the end, Wei Zhao, Jiang Ci, and Pei Yan put aside their personal grudges and join forces to resist the Liang Emperor, fulfilling their shared dream of protecting Yueluo City and establishing a just and peaceful world.
The drama will begin streaming on iQIYI International (iQ.com) starting September 14.
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07회까지 업데이트
인기 여배우 Ren Keying은 잘 알려진 예술가이며 매력적인 외모와 귀여운 미소로 수천 명의 젊은이들의 마음을 사로 잡았으며 많은 팬을 보유하고 있습니다. 그러나 여주인공은 종종 네티즌들로부터 "무식하다"고 불평하기 때문에 중개 회사는 화를 내며 Ren Keying에게 학교로 돌아가 문화 과정을 보충하라고 요청했습니다. 학교 교장은 그녀에게 학생회에 가입하여 레크리에이션 부서장이 되라고 요청했습니다. 학생회에서 그녀는
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