In the world of fandom, nothing is too much. Being a fanatic of something makes our lives exciting, meaningful, and fulfilling. This fanatic romance comedy will show you what it takes to be a fanatic fan, and what it means to be a “Deokhoo”, fangirl. Sung Deok Mi is one such person who takes her professional life serious, and someone who takes her private life of being a fanatic fan even more. Ryan Gold, who is a man drenched with success, enters Deok Mi’s life at the Chaeum Art Gallery as the new director and slowly starts to fall for her charms. After slowly getting to know each other, Ryan learns Deok Mi is a serious fan of Cha Shi An, an idol singer, of whom she secretly runs a fan page of. And through her craze, he starts to take interest in being a fan himself and gradually delves into the life of being a fanatic fan. Watch as these two characters take the meaning of being a fan to a new level as they fall in love.
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07회까지 업데이트
인기 여배우 Ren Keying은 잘 알려진 예술가이며 매력적인 외모와 귀여운 미소로 수천 명의 젊은이들의 마음을 사로 잡았으며 많은 팬을 보유하고 있습니다. 그러나 여주인공은 종종 네티즌들로부터 "무식하다"고 불평하기 때문에 중개 회사는 화를 내며 Ren Keying에게 학교로 돌아가 문화 과정을 보충하라고 요청했습니다. 학교 교장은 그녀에게 학생회에 가입하여 레크리에이션 부서장이 되라고 요청했습니다. 학생회에서 그녀는
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